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Band Booking
The band extends its services for distinguished occasions, including weddings, funerals, and memorial services, where the assembly of musicians can be meticulously tailored to meet your precise requirements. It is worth noting that all proceeds and contributions received are dedicated to the enhancement of equipment and the advancement of educational initiatives.
Lessons / Join the Band
For those with an interest in mastering the art of bagpipe and drum performance, we extend a gracious invitation to partake in our comprehensive lessons. As your proficiency flourishes, there is an opportunity to integrate into the ranks of our esteemed band, fostering a musical journey of growth and camaraderie.
Sponsorships / Donations
If you are inclined towards sponsoring the band or expressing your generous support through donations, we invite you to kindly get in touch with us for further details and arrangements. Your involvement will be greatly appreciated and instrumental in fostering our continued musical excellence.
Manager: John Breen (347) 239-6745
Pipe Major: Charles Armstrong (516) 584-6861
Pipe Sergeant: Devin Blaine (631) 553-7061
115 Ryefield Rd., Locust Valley, NY 11560
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